In the groove
The point of all depends, he said,
on just what is your point of view.
From a window looking in
or from a chair positioned
on the far side of the room?
Or from above (while standing
on the top of a ladder, e.g.),
or from over the shoulder
of one whose fingers are on the move,
tapping out a lively tune,
the one whose fingerrs are occupied
assembling the instructions,
a 'how to make' for the thing
that has never been before,
for the thing that is brand new,
the tune that's never been played,
for the window you encounter
with an irresistible view?
Or, close ir, from behind the eyes
of him or her whose point ti is
that steadily moves accross the field
and leaves a line, leaves a groove,
leaves a puzzling trail of clues?
The point is, he said, as he walked
casually along in well worn shoes
the point is to find a way through
to change all the moves
change the 'what' and the 'who'
whose which you now consider,
whose where you are going through
until you change the me and the you,
and we, 'the lonely few',
'the good and the true',
explorers with lamps who steadily work
their way down through the gloom,
who carefully play out a thread
they then proceed to lose,
are struck near dumb on arrival,
asking, "What country is...?",
"Where are..." and "Who...?"

The point of all depends, he said,
on just what is your point of view.
From a window looking in
or from a chair positioned
on the far side of the room?
Or from above (while standing
on the top of a ladder, e.g.),
or from over the shoulder
of one whose fingers are on the move,
tapping out a lively tune,
the one whose fingerrs are occupied
assembling the instructions,
a 'how to make' for the thing
that has never been before,
for the thing that is brand new,
the tune that's never been played,
for the window you encounter
with an irresistible view?
Or, close ir, from behind the eyes
of him or her whose point ti is
that steadily moves accross the field
and leaves a line, leaves a groove,
leaves a puzzling trail of clues?
The point is, he said, as he walked
casually along in well worn shoes
the point is to find a way through
to change all the moves
change the 'what' and the 'who'
whose which you now consider,
whose where you are going through
until you change the me and the you,
and we, 'the lonely few',
'the good and the true',
explorers with lamps who steadily work
their way down through the gloom,
who carefully play out a thread
they then proceed to lose,
are struck near dumb on arrival,
asking, "What country is...?",
"Where are..." and "Who...?"